Acne, many people have had to deal with it in their puberty. However, sometimes you can still suffer from it as an adult and that is of course not nice. As a teenager, acne is very normal and you don't immediately expect this in an adult. That's why you often start picking and squeezing acne when we notice that we have a pimple. Especially when more and more pimples appear. However, it is not good at all to touch your acne and certainly not to squeeze them, because then you usually get acne scars. In this article you will find out what consequences this has.

Dark acne scars are caused by severe acne
Acne scars cause pigment spots
It is best to understand that you do not like to walk around with acne, but squeezing the pimples is not the solution, on the contrary. Usually after the pimples are gone, it gets worse when you squeeze them. When you start popping a pimple, it will come back even bigger. When you also squeeze this pimple again, a wound will arise that can become infected. When this acne scars fails to do so is more likely to occur pigment spots occur when you come into the sun. So it is best to just let that acne rest and let it pass by itself.
When you anyway acne scars caused because you could not keep your hands off the pimples, then there is a good chance that pigment spots will arise. You can of course try to prevent this by applying good sunscreen when you go out in the sun. A sun cream with a good protection factor can do a lot. However, if you have pale skin, this will not be able to offer all the protection and you will often have to deal with those spots. Fortunately, there is such a thing as one pigmentcream like Skinlight. You can easily order it online and the pigmentcream you only need to apply twice a day. So you don't have to make great efforts.
Exfoliate the skin
Next to an pigmentcream Are there other things you can do to get rid of pigment spots faster? When you regularly exfoliate your skin, you ensure that the skin cells are regularly renewed and that dead skin cells are removed. All irregularities or superficial discolorations will therefore also be removed. Do this at least once a week for the best result.
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